Choosing a Cat

Contrary to their undeserved reputation for being aloof,cats are charming and devoted companions who comfort us with affection and amuse us with their antics. Whats more, cats are meticulously clean and supremely self sufficient. They are content to spend the day indoors when we are away, and are delighted to see us on our return. Just as their ancestors have adapted to meet the earths changing conditions over the last three million years, modern day cats adapt well to the restrictions of urban living and the cluttered schedules of two career families,and and the hectic family timetable.If you do choose to get a new Furry Friend visit your local animal shelter and chat with the kennell maid about the pros and cons of owning a Cat.There are lots of lovely Cats available for adoption and those leaving the animal shelter will be in tip top health which is very important to new owners.Good luck in your search for your new Furry Friend, and I hope you like my paintings of the beautifull Cat.Contact Aine Art,Killashee on Facebook.


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