The Sport of Kings.

Its no secret that I love horses.I was raised on a Stud Farm in Co.Meath where my Dad was Stud Groom. As children we loved to hide in barns or lofts,build make believe houses out of bales of hay. We spent many hours running around fields after wayward ponies and when caught and mounted, bucked us off immediately but we didnt give up our mission.My Dad was in charge of the racehorses and that was a very serious business. We were not allowed in to the racing yard for safety reasons as racehorses are highly charged and unpredictable.Racehorse breeding has been and is a highly commercialized venture, some pure breeds can sell for a fortune.The horses with the greatest speed and stamina command the highest prices.Breeders carefully select the horses that win most consistently and are top of their class from which to breed future generations of potential record breakers.Race days are hugh events for owners and breeders often worth a great deal of money to both, and participating horses are so valuable that only a very small minority of people can afford to own or race one.I enjoy a day at the races,meeting friends,having a few bets,maybe a winner or two and generally soak up the athmosphere.For most of us that is our participation in what is known as The Sport of Kings.My Dad has since passed away and I hope my paintings honour his memory.Contact me on Facebook at Aine Art,Killashee.


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