
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Cow Book

I absolutely love to receive the gift of books at Christmas, and I lucked out this year by receiving The Cow Book by Longford author John Connell.The Cow Book is the story of one mans life as a farmer, a vivid portrait of a traditional family farm,and a tender meditation on the natural cycle of birth, life and death.Farming has been in John Connells family for generations, but he never intended to follow in his fathers footsteps. Until, one Winter he found himself back on the farm and began to learn the ways of the farmer, and the ways of the cows.Connell records the hypnotic rhythm of the farming day, cleaning the outhouses,putting down hay, milking the cows, and walking the land. Alongside the routine there are the unforseen moments, when a calf fails to trive,when the rain wont stop, when illness breaks out, when depression takes hold, when arguments break out, things said that cant be unsaid. Interwoven throughout is the story of the cow itself,worshipped by the ancient Egyptians ...

Take time this Christmas

Christmas mania has well and truly taken off.Looking around the queues at tills, and the traffic on the roads hysteria has set in already.Retailers await a bumper spend this year with delight.Set a budget, make a list and stick to it.When you have spent the money,come home and regroup before setting out again with another list. Is there any need for this mania? Instead of getting embroiled in mad trolly dashes and wrestling at the tills for the last of the special offers,take time.Take a leisurely stroll down main street,look up, admire the Christmas lights,admire the lit Christmas trees,listen to the carol singers,and greet neighbours and strangers with Christmas cheer. Christmas is for giving yes, but more importantly, its a time for family and friends. It is also a time for yourself to enjoy some peace and joy.Let us remember that as the mania goes on around us.I would like to wish all my readers, and patrons a Very Happy Christmas.